We have you covered with a Diamond Factory Airframe and Engine Maintenance Program.
PistonPower and Diamond Aircraft are celebrating their 3rd year of partnership offering Diamond Aircraft owners budget stabilizing maintenance programs.
If your factory warranty has recently expired or due to expire soon, Diamond Aircraft and PistonPower offer solutions to stabilize your aircraft’s maintenance budget, increase the value of your aircraft upon sale, and bring you peace of mind.
There are three Diamond Factory Programs to meet your individual requirements:
Unscheduled Engine Only: A 3 Year/600 Hour Program with an option to add Accessories.
- Unscheduled Engine Only will be added to your remaining Factory Warranty or replace your expired Factory Warranty.
Firewall Forward (Power-by-the-Hour): Scheduled and Unscheduled Maintenance for your Engine(s).
- Firewall Forward covers 100% of all Unscheduled Maintenance and adds your Scheduled Maintenance to totally stabilize your Engine maintenance budget.
Tip-to-Tail (Power-by-the-Hour): Scheduled and Unscheduled Maintenance for the Airframe and Engine(s).
- Tip-to-Tail covers 100% of all Unscheduled Maintenance and adds your Scheduled Maintenance to totally stabilize your Airframe and Engine(s) maintenance budget.
Additional information and specific details can be found at www.pistonpower.com, or email info@pistonpower.com or call Ron Zilberbrand at 312-961-0932.